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Reader Story: Gordon, Read to Lead Graduate, Westminster

Written by Emma Walsh, 23rd June 2017

Gordon is Learning Support Librarian at Maida Vale Library, Westminster. He attended the Read to Lead London Open Course in January 2011. This is his Reader Story in his own words:

This course equipped me with the whole range of skills and, just as importantly, the confidence needed to run a Shared Reading group at Maida Vale Library. On a very practical level, I’m now better at reading aloud to children, something I do a lot of in my job as a librarian. In particular, in tune with the course mantra I now read more slowly, which reveals the delights of the story in a very immediate way.

Most gratifyingly, the sense of accomplishment and purpose which I get from running my group has spilled over into a general increase in my job satisfaction.

I have to say that the absolute best thing about the training was the wonderful atmosphere of mutual support and generosity, skilfully engendered by the trainers and embraced both individually and collectively by the trainees. Everything fitted together in a perfect blend of theory and practice.

Gordon has given permission for his name to be used in this Reader Story

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