A special guest star for the Penny Readings
Written by The Reader, 1st December 2010
Today, a very special guest has arrived in town for the Penny Readings:
But the cow is lost, and hasn't got a name!
We'll help her get to St. George's Hall but can you give her a name?
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15 thoughts on “A special guest star for the Penny Readings”
How about Moogaret Rudderford?
Or… Moogaret Udderford
Martha Cratchit?
She looks like an Esmoorelda to me.
Rainer Maria Milke?
A list (sorry for hogging)
Simon COW-ell
Yolande Yoghurt Creator
The Freerange and Organic Animal Maud
Drum roll……….. J.K COW-ling
Spotty Cow,
GIRty of course x
This cow has great style – I particularly like her boots. Have a feeling I have seen them somewhere before…
Moo-ly Scrumptuous?
Moo-ryl Streep?
Udderly ridiculous.
All these names are way to CHEESY
Pointless from cold comfort farm just like this exercise!!!!!!!!
Perhaps Johnny Calf will finally join him on stage again.
Al Moochino?
Tony MooCall?