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Something in the Air: Perfume
Kimberley Long is a former Reader volunteer currently teaching English in Japan. In the second of her series of posts…

Tales From the Land of ‘Day Book’
Kimberley Long is a former Reader volunteer currently teaching English in Japan. This is the first in a series of…

Romanian Summer Diary 6
Saturday 4th August – Things I have seen in Romania A cow grazing by a brand new glass-plate…

Romanian Summer Diary 5
Saturday 28th July--Busy days. The first British contingent taught their lessons, forged friendships, played their quick cricket in bewildered partnership…

Romanian Summer Diary 4
Sunday 22nd July--The summer school runs for two stretches of nine days and this weekend is a working one. Some…

Romanian Summer Diary 3
Wednesday 18th July, The Anglo-Romanian Dream I. The summer school is in full swing and truth is in the mouths…

Romanian Summer Diary 2
17 July 2007--‘Fresh knickers!’ was the unilateral shout heard last night in Grill 66 as exultant girls flung aside their…

Romanian Summer Diary 1
Sunday 15th July – one whole hot afternoon and several minutes neatly taken down by my friends before the start…