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Day 10 – Ha-Ha, that’s funny!

Written by The Reader, 8th May 2015

The weather was on form this morning and so were the volunteers. We had our greatest number today which meant we could have three trenches open and some find cleaning and sorting at the same time.

Trench 2 surveyEmptying Soil 2

A word must go here thanking the volunteers as their response has been fantastic as has the response of the community: one member of the public remarked that ‘Calderstones Park has never had such a high-profile, everyone knows about it now.’

Our volunteers have been great and we'd like to thank them all and hope they keep getting involved with further 'Connect at Calderstones' projects.

Helen Finds Cleaning 2

Whilst work continued apace on Trench 1 and 2 which are our original trenches and are still going down the real interest of the day for all volunteers is what would come out of Trench 4 which was dug to look at the Ha-Ha.

Ha Ha Trench Trench 4

As stated yesterday we were surprised to find it had a very steep cut with lots of what seemed like natural ground (i.e. undisturbed) behind. For safety we had to begin taking the natural out to step down the trench. As the mattocks began cutting into the compacted soil - shock - FINDS!

Kathryn Digging Ha Ha Trench 2

What we all thought had been natural seemed to be producing finds - it couldn’t be natural after all

Only further digging today will sort that out.

Only further digging tomorrow will sort this out!

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