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Day 6 – Bone! Clay! Glass! Crisp Packets!

Written by The Reader, 30th April 2015

Day six began with a visit from the lovely Gwladys Street Primary school.

They had learned about dinosaurs and the Egyptians in class and had even done their own little archaeology dig in their school grounds.

They really enjoyed their time in Calderstones and getting to see our archeologists at work!

After the weather yesterday it was great to see all the volunteers out in force even though the trenches were quite damp...

Sloppy Wet Trenches

Wet Trenches

And needed some remiedial work: enter Jeff with the ladle.

Jeff Lunchlady

The job this morning was finishing off the planning of Trench 1.


Before mattocking began...


We had some nice finds including a clay pipe stem with mouthpiece.

Clay Pipe Stem

A pretty glass bottle.

Bottle Neck

And ta da! Fran cleared out her crisp packet filled feature to find what looked like a lovely post-hole filled with a base of stones. Could this be evidence of a structure of some sort?

Crisp Packet Hole Fran Find

The careful planning of the trench resulted in Hannah and Jude creating this beautiful trench plan.

Hannah and Jude

On with the digging!

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