Happy World Read Aloud Day!
Today is the day when people across the world unite to celebrate World Read Aloud Day, an occasion to celebrate the power and pleasure that reading aloud can provide. The Reader Organisation is a WRADvocate Partner of World Read Aloud Day 2014, and along with the other partners and founder of WRAD LitWorld, we're encouraging everyone to read aloud to help change the world.
You can read our story of reading aloud on the World Read Aloud Day blog: http://litworld.org/worldreadalouddayblog/2014/2/26/reading-aloud-is-better-than-in-your-head.html
"Reading aloud is better than in your head. It’s like you’re on an adventure, you can understand more aloud."
We're celebrating reading aloud all year round, in our shared reading groups and as part of City of Readers, an initiative by Liverpool Learning Partnership to get people of all ages all across Liverpool reading for pleasure. We've been counting down some of our favourite read aloud videos from the City of Readers YouTube channel to get us into the read aloud spirit, and today we have a special treat of one of our favourite stories to share, from our recent Half Term Hijinks at Calderstones Mansion House:
Perhaps The Gruffalo is one of the stories you'll read aloud for World Read Aloud Day? If you're struggling to make a choice, then there are lots of gems in our anthologies, A Little, Aloud and A Little, Aloud for Children. All the stories and poems included have been specially selected for their read-aloud qualities, and are accompanied by reading times for each piece and suggestions of further reading. From Roald Dahl to Dickens, Jane Eyre to The Jumblies, there's something for everyone to enjoy reading aloud. You can purchase your copy of both anthologies on our website: http://www.thereader.org.uk/anthologies.aspx
Whatever you're reading today, make sure you do so aloud! You can follow the hashtag #WRAD to get involved in all the World Read Aloud Day celebrations.
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