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Life Letters: a new project that brings the joy of literature to care home residents

Written by Rachael Norris, 16th December 2021

Could you be a volunteer for a new project that brings the joy of literature to care home residents?

We're looking for volunteers who are keen to reach out to people in care homes with fortnightly letters containing chatty news and a poem with prompts. The letters are personally addressed to the residents and for those who have the capacity to read and enjoy themselves, they provide a welcome means of connection with the outside world. For those residents who aren't able to read the letters independently, care home staff read them aloud, creating a space in the day for meaningful conversation and reflection.

'The letter was wonderful, B enjoyed reading and talking about it and loved that someone had gone to the trouble of writing to us'
Care Home Coordinator   

If you can help us to reach more people in care homes through this project - either by volunteering or perhaps there's someone you know who's in a care home who'd like to receive a letter -  we'd be very glad of your support.

Email to get in touch. Training will be provided to volunteers, our next training session is on: 18 January 9am - 2.30pm on Zoom.

The Life Letters project is funded with thanks to Steve Morgan Foundation.

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