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One Last Place on Read to Lead Residential

Written by stickyeyes, 5th April 2011

There is just one last place up for grabs on our Read to Lead Residential course, 10th - 15th April, at the amazingly beautiful Inglewood Manor. (Follow the link and check out the photos!)

Totally unlike any other professional course. It has worked at a much more profound level.
                                                                                                                 Read to Lead trainee

Could you be the person to take it? Over five days you will receive all of the skills, experience and inspiration necessary to set up your own shared reading groups and bring the pleasure of great writing to those who need it most. The course also offers an intensely personal reading experience in its own right.

For more information about the course, and to download a booking form, please visit this page on our website, or contact Mark Till, Training Administrator, on or 0151 794 2286.

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