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Pottering About

Written by Dave Cookson, 15th June 2011

Posted on behalf of Rachel Salmon, Wirral Project Worker.

Since taking on the reading group at Arch Initiatives (an aftercare support centre for drug rehabilitation) I have had the pleasure of meeting Mr Stephen Potter. Stephen contacted TRO here at The Lauries, Birkenhead about the possibilities of starting a Get into Reading group at Arch. Stephen was attending the centre, and as a writer himself, has always been aware of the healing power of words.

After a tepid start, the GIR group at Arch is well underway, and although Stephen has completed his time there, he still continues to drop by The Lauries for a catch up, or perhaps for the odd cup of tea at Arch- post group.

Being a Wirral lad himself, and currently a non-driver, it was whilst scooting along on yet another double decker that Stephen began to wonder how far said bus could actually take him. It turns out (as many a reader may know) that Arriva buses can take you as far as Wigan to the east and into the depths of North Wales to the west. So what? I hear you cry? Well luckily for us Stephen’s head works differently, and he’s seen it as an opportunity to set off on an adventure, as well as an exercise in writing. Kitted out with a 7 day bus pass, note book and pen, he left Birkenhead bus station in search of the pot of gold at the end of the bus route. Along the way, Stephen will be writing stories and commentaries on the people who get on the bus, and the towns he passes through. Watch this space for future instalments!

Along with Arriva buses, the organisations that have helped Stephen in his recovery have sponsored him, enabling him to stay in Bed and Breakfasts throughout the week-pop up rooms of one’s own if you will.

To sponsor Stephen’s trip, please go to

All money raised will be divided between Advocacy in Wirral, Arch Initiaves, Charles Thomson’s Mission, Spider Project, Action in Addiction, and Wirral CVS -  all of which aided Stephen’s recovery, and Zoe’s Place ( who offer palliative, respite and terminal care for babies/infants aged from birth to five years old) which is Arriva’s nominated charity.

1 thoughts on “Pottering About

Samantha Shipman says:

What a brilliant idea! I’m sure he will meet lots of interesting people on his many double decker bus rides, I will look forward to reading some of his writing when he gets back.

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