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New Venue for Our ‘Revolutionary’ Residential Training

Written by stickyeyes, 16th February 2011

If you want to run shared read aloud groups, inspired by Get Into Reading, then the Read to Lead Residential will give you all of the skills, confidence and understanding necessary, as well as being an enjoyable and deeply personal reading experience in its own right. The next course is 10th - 15th April and we are delighted to announce that the new venue is Inglewood Manor in Cheshire.

Totally unlike any other professional course. It has worked at a much more profound level. All aspects of the course contributed to the transformation of my understanding of the role of literature in our lives. I am now able to articulate something I perhaps knew before but didn’t truly recognise: literature for survival.

Read to Lead trainee

The course is open to people from all professional and social backgrounds: a love of books, a belief in the social value of reading, and a passion to share this vision are what we look for in trainees.

This training is revolutionary, both in its professional and social implications, and an extremely powerful personal experience in its own right. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Susan Rutherford
Senior HR and Organisational Development Consultant
The University of Liverpool

For more information about this and all of the other courses we offer, and to download a booking form, visit this page of our website. Alternatively, you can contact Mark Till, Training Administrator, on or 0151 794 2286.

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