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Sefton Writing Competition Winners Announced

Written by jen, 17th November 2009

The winners of the 19th Sefton Writing competition were announced on Sunday 15 November at the annual writing awards presentation at Crosby Civic Hall.

Hundreds of people entered this year, of all ages and from across the UK, there were even two entries from abroad. They came from writing groups, schools and individuals.

Brian Wake, Head of Sefton Arts Development said:

As the judges, we whittled the hundreds down to tens, we read them quietly to ourselves, we then read them out, we read them upside down and inside out, got ten down to seven or so in each of the three categories and then after much, as they say, deliberation, we began to comb through the seven pieces of work.. We began to ask what the work did in terms of emotion, in terms of the language itself and then we allowed our personal taste to help us decide.

Keep an eye on the Sefton Arts website for more Sefton Celebrates Writing events throughout the year.

The winners and runners up of this year's Sefton Writing Competition are:

Writing (including poems) by young people

First Prize: Child Soldier by Philip Meakin (12years) Birkdale, Southport.

Runners-up: Past or Present by Katy Heron (12years) Southport; The Lift Off by Harry Draper (12years) Formby; Journey Home by Sarah Cutler (14years) Netherton; Snowflake's Journey by Katy Louise Minko (12years) Formby.


First Prize: Fetch by  Margaret Gleave, Ainsdale, Southport;

Runners-up: Cuckoo Spit by Nicholas Hancock, Liverpool; In Vino Memoriam by Celia Gentles, West Kirby, Wirral; Journey's End by Michael O'Leary, Formby; The Cataraque by David Costello, Wallasey.

Other Writing

First Prize: Travelling Light  by Glenys Adams, Waterloo L22.

Runners-up:  Persona Non Grata by Kay Frame,  Maghull; Trudge of the Valyries  by Andrew Highton,  Waterloo L22; Holiday Journey by Alison Rutherford, Cardiff; Aliens Welcome by Frank Conlan, Maghull;

For more information on next years Sefton Writing Competition please contact Netherton Arts Centre on 0151 525 0417 or email:

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