TRO is coming to Southampton…
We're coming to Southampton on Wednesday 8th September to deliver a Read to Lead Workshop. So, if you live or work in the area, this is your chance to experience Get Into Reading (GIR) first-hand and link-up with others who want to get involved with our work. Or if you know anyone nearby - people working in care homes, libraries, community centres, prisons, the NHS, with young people - please pass the information on to them and help us spread the word about the power of shared reading.
I feel very energised and motivated to take my involvement further in Get Into Reading.
Read to Lead Workshop attendee, Nottingham
The Read to Lead Workshop will
- Develop your understanding of the theory and practice of Get Into Reading;
- Give you a chance to experience shared reading aloud as part of a GIR group;
- Introduce you to specialised shared reading and group facilitation techniques;
- Build your local contact base of people who are interested in GIR;
- Give you the opportunity to discuss strategies for developing groups in your area;
- Inform you about full Read to Lead Training courses and the University of Liverpool’s ‘Reading in Practice’ MA.
The cost of the course is £150 including lunch and refreshments. The Reader Organisation offers one ‘no fee’ place on each course for individuals who cannot pay. Places on each Workshop are limited to twelve, to preserve the intimate feel of the groups and to allow everyone a chance to speak and be heard.
To book your place, please fill in a booking form which can be downloaded from our website, or contact Mark Till, Training Programme Assistant, on 0151 794 2286 or
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