Research shows that having a regular story time can help children to:
Improved early relationships with reading
Build confidence and sense of identity
Improve language and communication skills
Explore new worlds and develop imagination
Reading is the single most important thing that can make a child successful in life (UNESCO, 2011).
We hope to transform children’s and parents’ relationships with books, by providing staff development training, family workshops and Family Fun Days.
Delivered since 2018, our project team work with up to 40 partners each year to deliver fun, interactive and relaxed Shared Reading training courses for parents, carers and Early Years professionals to help children build confident, positive and rewarding relationships with books and reading for pleasure. The project reaches around 14,200 adults and children, with 100% of participants agreeing that it helped their child to build a positive relationship with books and reading, and 100% of parents wanting to spend more time reading with their child as a result of taking part in the project.
The project comprises four strands: Stories for You and Yours, Sharing Stories in the Early Years, Books and Babies and Family Fun Days. Read more about each aspect of the project in the sections below.
If you’d like to know more about First Page and how we can work with your organisation, please get in touch at

Sharing Stories in the Early Years
Sharing stories with children is a really wonderful way to help develop their language and communication skills, while providing an imaginative space for fun and connection.
Sharing Stories in the Early Years provides a full day of training for staff of partner organisations, giving them the skills and confidence to deliver Shared Reading through story and rhyme with groups for under 5s. It is perfect for
bringing new ideas and extra support for those already delivering groups, as well as helping to set up a brand-new group.
Participants receive a rhyme bag with a selection of books, so they have everything they need to share a range of stories with their groups.
As a result of Sharing Stories in the Early Years:
practitioners felt more confident about helping children and parents stay involved during session
practitioners felt more confident choosing stories and poems to read
Books & Babies
This 4-week group course for provides a warm and welcoming space to bring new parents and carers together. Incorporating song, rhyme, puppetry and interaction, we’ll share tips for reading with children, and create space for adult Shared Reading experiences.
Participants receive a free book to read with their child during the sessions, and to continue to read together at home.

Stories for You & Yours
These three interactive sessions for parents of young children, delivered at partner organisations by our project staff. They’re aimed at adults who were never read with as a child or may struggle with reading now.
We focus on building confidence and making it fun. Attendees take home a selection of books and a guide to the content of the sessions.
After these sessions, families say they experience improved wellbeing and confidence in sharing stories with their children.
As a result of Stories for You & Yours:
parents learned new ways to make sharing stories fun
parents wanted to spend more time reading with their child
Family Fun Days
Children and their carers are invited by their partner organisation to attend a play and storytelling session at The Storybarn in Calderstones Park – The Reader’s dedicated space for children, bringing the magic of stories to life through play.
We provide transport, lunch, refreshments, ice cream and a book for each child to take home to continue their story adventure.

As a result of attending a Family Fun Day:
parents wanted to spend more time reading with their child afterwards
parents agreed it helped their child to build a positive relationship with books and reading

Support our Appeal to Raise £10,000
Every gift we receive will help us achieve our goal of raising £10,000 for the First Page Project and keep our work reaching those who need it the most.
Please give what you can to support First Page here