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Read of the Week: Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery

Written by The Reader, 19th July 2017

This week's Read has been chosen by Facilities Manager Nicola who reflects on the beloved children's story Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

"Anne tipped the vase of apple blossoms near enough to bestow a soft kiss on a pink-cupped bud, and then studied diligently for some moments longer.

‘Marilla,’ she demanded presently, ‘do you think that I shall ever have a bosom friend in Avonlea?’

‘A- a what kind of friend?’

‘A bosom friend – an intimate friend, you know – a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul. I’ve dreamed of meeting her all my life. I never really supposed I would, but so many of my loveliest dreams have come true all at once that perhaps this one will, too. Do you think it’s possible?’"

When aging brother and sister Matthew and Marilla seek help to run their farm at Green Gables, they think they’re adopting an orphan boy, but who awaits them at the local train station in the beautiful, sleepy town of Avonlea is not the boy they hoped for but a young orphan girl named Anne Shirley. Charmed by Anne’s spirit and poetic view on life, Matthew admits he wants to keep her and his reluctant sister eventually agrees to let Anne stay on with them, and thereafter the adventures at Green Gables begin…

Although this is a simple story of family, love, and friendship, you become invested in Anne’s vivid imagination, pursuit of a kindred spirit, and her journey of belonging. We follow her struggle with growing up and wanting to understand everything about the world, and I remember seeing so much of myself in Anne – feeling like I have a different view of the world than everyone else and navigating the blurring space between reality and imagination. There’s plenty to take away from this novel, and as with Matthew and Marilla, Anne of Green Gables may just charm you too.

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