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Michael Rosen’s We’re Going on a Bear Hunt experience launches in Liverpool

Written by The Reader, 30th January 2017

We went on a bear hunt! And what a beautiful day it was!

We are excited to be part of the event as travel sponsor and will be decking out some of our city centre buses with the iconic Bear Hunt artwork, as well as supporting through our social network channels with competitions.

Plus, we’ll be launching an exclusive event ticket offer for families starting their Bear Hunt on an Arriva bus, full details to be announced soon. We hope to support The Reader on future activities.”

Julie Linforth, Marketing Director at Arriva

On Friday 27 January, The Reader welcomed children's author Michael Rosen to Liverpool to launch the Bear Hunt, Chocolate Cake & Bad Things experience created by Discover Children's Story Centre.

Brought to the city in partnership with The Storybarn at CalderstonesLiverpool Learning Partnership, Waterstones, Radio City, Walker Books, Arriva, Arts Council EnglandArts Council EnglandEsmee Fairburn and Newham Londonthe interactive experience has found a home right in the heart of Liverpool ONE where families from across the North West region can explore the magic of Rosen's most famous stories and poems.

We welcomed partners, special guests and their families to the launch event at Waterstones, Liverpool ONE, but not before Michael Rosen had the opportunity to explore a little of the city from up on high at Radio City Tower, and to delight a long line of fans (big and small) at a booksigning in Waterstones.

"After months of planning, we are thrilled to see Michael Rosen’s wonderful stories being brought to life for the families of Liverpool City Region. We know the importance of reading for pleasure, particularly in the early years, and we hope this experience will kick-start a life-long love of books.”

Dr Jane Davis, The Reader's Founder and Director

Guests enjoyed a sneak peek of the experience ahead of the official opening day on Saturday 28 January with The Storybarn's Story Hunters leading an exploration of the Bear Hunt trail, through a giant chocolate cake and into Uncle Gobb's Dread Shed; rooms inspired by some of Rosen's most famous stories and poems.

We are really excited to get involved in this project alongside our charity Cash for Kids. It’s fantastic for our charity to open up this wonderful opportunity to some of the groups we work with who would otherwise not be able to share the experience.

Jo Driver, Radio City’s Marketing Manager

Watch our video of the Bear Hunt, Chocolate Cake & Bad Things launch event:

We are delighted to work with The Reader’s Storybarn to bring this incredible experience to the heart of the Liverpool City centre. The event promises to offer families a truly interactive way of enjoying some of their favourite stories together. This is the first of many exciting events we have lined up in our calendar for 2017.

Chris Bliss, Estate Director at Liverpool ONE

The Launch of Bear Hunt, Chocolate Cake & Bad Things at Waterstones, Liverpool ONE:

Get involved and become part of the story...

Michael Rosen's Bear Hunt, Chocolate Cake & Bad Things is now open in Liverpool ONE, visit The Storybarn website to book tickets.


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