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Amazon Appeal

Written by Lizzie Cain, 27th February 2013

From Niall Gibney, Community Development Assistant

Hello everybody,

amazon blogNow you may or not know that The Reader Organisation runs its very own Amazon second hand sales business and it has been running for the past year and a half, raising a whopping £3,744! Most of this amount went to last year’s fundraising target which was to raise £14,000 for a care leaving apprenticeship. This was successful and I and the Amazon volunteers (Carolyn and Susie) were proud to have contributed to this cause.

But the two reasons I’m writing this blog as a Fundraising Apprentice are:


1) To raise awareness that we do actually have a second hand books business

2) We are running low on books…we need more!

So I’m asking you, do you know anyone giving away books? Do you have lots to give away yourself? Know any publishers or organisations which might be able to help us out? The best books are usually unusual but we will take any books, including fiction. However, a lot of old fiction isn’t worth the paper it’s written on (in monetary value though not in literary value) so even those books we receive which are not worth anything online will always find a loving home, whether we give them away, sell them at a physical stall, or pass them on to a charity shop – the cycle repeats itself and nothing is wasted.

Please do get in touch with me at if you have any books to give and I can arrange to pick them up. Just pop me an e-mail and we can begin to raise money through Amazon for this year’s worthy cause. Watch this space for more to come on what exactly this worthy cause is . . .

Click here to be taken to our shop front - perhaps you might see something you want to buy yourself!


1 thoughts on “Amazon Appeal

[…] help! He’s looking for second-hand books to supply our second-hand sales business – click here to find out how you can […]

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