Barack Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize
In a controversial speech about his wartime presidency, yesterday American President and author Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. While Americans missed out on the Nobel Prize for Literature once again this year, at least one American author brought a Nobel Prize home.
In the NY Times, the speech has been qu0ted:
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated. In part, this is because I am at the beginning, and not the end, of my labors on the world stage ... Compared to some of the giants of history who have received this prize--Schweitzer and King, Marshall and Mandela--my accomplishments are slight.
In addition to writing his own memoir, Obama has never been shy about sharing his literary recommendations or summer reading list.
Watch Geir Lundestad explain why the Nobel Committee chose Barack Obama for 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
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