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Book Drum: beyond the page

Written by stickyeyes, 24th February 2011

Book Drum is the perfect companion to books, bringing them to life with immersive pictures, videos, maps and music.

Whether it’s video of the Rockettes in The Catcher in the Rye, the Italian opera tracks that accompany Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, the historical context and maps of The Odyssey, stunning South American photography for In Patagonia, or video of Kabul kite fighting for The Kite Runner, Book Drum take readers beyond the page to enjoy interactive content alongside their favourite books.

With the next generation of e-readers in mind, they are building the biggest library of multimedia companion content for books on the internet. Designed using Wiki principles, anyone can contribute to it, adding to and refining each others’ work, making Book Drum one of the liveliest online communities for booklovers worldwide. If you would like to become a Contributor and build a profile of a favourite book, then register here.

You can use the bookmarks as your companion guide while you read the book, or enjoy them in their own right by subscribing to Bookmark of the Day.

The summary may include plot spoilers, so be careful how much you read!

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