Books To Find Under The Tree-Part 2
It is one week until Christmas Day and here are some books that we would like to wake up to find under the Christmas tree:
Little Boy Lost – Marghanita Laski
(Persephone Books Ltd; 2008)
“I want to find Little Boy Lost by Marghanita Laski, recommended by Kate McDonnell, under my tree. She thinks my group at Prenton Library might like it but I haven’t read it and want to check it out first, It’s the story of a man's search for his son, lost in France during WWII. On a deeper level, it is the story of a man's search for himself, rediscovering his capacity for love after the experiences of war. There’s extra appeal here for me as I’m really rather interested in father and son relationships too.”
(Zoe Gilling, People and Support Manager)
Grimm Tales: For Old and Young - Philip Pullman
(Penguin Classics; 2012)
"I have already bought this for a member of my family, but I would love to get it as a present myself! Reading fairy tales, or having them read to you, has to be one of the most pleasurable and nostalgic experiences out there – and Grimm’s tales are the classics. I always love reading re-workings of these traditional tales though, and it gives modern writers a great chance to be imaginative and experimental with some of the best-known stories of all time. Philip Pullman is such a bold and unpredictable writer, that I am betting there will be one or two surprises in this latest offering. I’d love to see how he brings out some of the darker elements of the classic fairy tales, too. And besides that, it is such a pretty book!"
(Charlotte Weber, Reader-in-Residence, Liverpool Hope University)
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