Children’s Storytelling on Sundays
From this Sunday - that's Sunday 6th July - until Sunday 31st August, The Reader Organisation, in association with the Bluecoat's literature programme, will be starting summer storytelling sessions for children. Each Sunday from 12.00 - 12.45 one of our wonderful volunteers will be in the Hub at the Bluecoat sharing classic and new stories with the next generation of readers. The Reader Organisation believes that the best thing to offer future generations is the brilliant ancient technology that is: the story!

Reading from Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories, kids will be able to discover 'How the Rhinocerous Got His Skin' and just who 'The Man Who Gave People Things to Look After' is, amongst other well-loved stories which give inspiring answers to some intriguing questions.
The sessions are open to children of all ages, especially those that are aged 4 - 8. Admission is free for all (including the adults that we would ask to stay to look after them). If you would like to ensure you get a comfy seat, you can call the Bluecoat on 0151 702 5297 to reserve your spot.
These sessions have beenmade possible thanks to the support of Walker Books.
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