Event: Food For Thought
What do you get from books that nothing else can give you?
Come along to The Foresight Centre between 1-2.30pm on Friday 7th November and find out!
The Reader Organisation are holding a free lunchtime event, inviting you to experience our work first-hand and to discover more about our aim to start a Reading Revolution.
Over an informal lunch, we will be reading a selection of poetry and discussing the unique power books hold in a digital age - in exchange for your thoughts and opinions, we'll provide you with food!
This event is not only a fantastic opportunity to find out about the work of The Reader Organisation: it also provides an occasion for people from all across the University of Liverpool and from a wide range of local arts, health, regeneration and cultural organisations to meet, make new links and exchange ideas. Most importantly, Food For Thought offers the chance to take part in an enjoyable and stimulating lunch break.
This event is part of Shipping Lines Liverpool Literary Festival.
Tickets are FREE: Please contact Casi Dylan (casidylan@thereader.org.uk/0151 794 2291) to reserve your place.
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