Featured Poem: Choice by Emily Dickinson
National Poetry Day is an annual mass celebration that encourages all to enjoy, discover and share poetry. This year, National Poetry Day takes place on 7th October and throughout September, we’ll be reading poems with this years theme of 'Choice' in mind. Find out more about our National Poetry Day event and new anthology, The Road Not Taken.
Today, our 'Featured Poem' is brought to you by our Business and Content Manager, Jamie Barton.
Of all the souls that stand create
I have elected one.
When sense from spirit files away,
And subterfuge is done;
When that which is and that which was
Apart, intrinsic, stand,
And this brief tragedy of flesh
Is shifted like a sand;
When figures show their royal front
And mists are carved away, ?
Behold the atom I preferred
To all the lists of clay!
By Emily Dickinson
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