Featured Poem: Fragments of the Dark by Elizabeth Jennings
This week's Featured Poem is brought to you by Sam, and she reads 'Fragments of the Dark' by Elizabeth Jennings.
Let it not come near me, let it not
Fold round or over me. One weak hand
Clutches a foot of air, asks the brisk buds
To suffer grey winds, spear through
Fog I feel in me. Give me the magic
To see grounded starlings, their polish
As this threat of all-day night. Mind, mind
In me, make thoughts candles to light me
Out of the furthest reach of possible nights.
Lantern me, stars, if I look up through wet hands,
Show assurance in blurred shining. I have
Put every light in the house on.
May their filaments last till true morning.
Elizabeth Jennings, "Fragments of the Dark" from Collected Poems. Copyright © 2001 by The Estate of Elizabeth Jennings. Used with the permission of David Higham Associates.
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