Featured Poem: The Pike by Amy Lowell (BSL)
Written by Isobel Lobo, 27th June 2022
Today’s Featured Poem is 'The Pike' by Amy Lowell read by The Reader's Business and Content Manager, Jamie.
This poem has been kindly BSL interpreted for The Reader by Anthony Redshaw
The Pike
In the brown water,
Thick and silver-sheened in the sunshine,
Liquid and cool in the shade of the reeds,
A pike dozed.
Lost among the shadows of stems
He lay unnoticed.
Suddenly he flicked his tail,
And a green-and-copper brightness
Ran under the water.
Out from under the reeds
Came the olive-green light,
And orange flashed up
Through the sun-thickened water.
So the fish passed across the pool,
Green and copper,
A darkness and a gleam,
And the blurred reflections of the willows on the opposite bank
Received it.
By Amy Lowell
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