Get Dazzle Gradually, an anthology celebrating 25 years of National Poetry Day, 3 October 2019
It's 25 years since Forward Arts Foundation first set out to make sure we remember poetry is important - and so this year we're delighted to have worked with them to create a special anthology for National Poetry Day, 3 October 2019.
It's an anthology about truth, with poems specially selected by The Reader team to be read aloud in the workplace, but of course they'll work anywhere.
Jane Davis, founder and director of The Reader, said: “National Poetry Day is a key date in The Reader’s calendar and so we’re very pleased to say this year we’ve worked with Forward Arts Foundation on a 25 birthday anthology.
“This year’s theme is ‘truth’ and we wanted to focus our efforts on a place where the truth can be hardest to give and to hear – the workplace – and so we’re inviting local business people to The Reader at Calderstones in Liverpool to try Shared Reading from our new anthology and get a tour of the newly reopened Mansion House.
“The Reader is the originator of Shared Reading – weekly groups where great literature is read aloud – and our charity brings thousands of people together to connect with others and feel good in communities across the country. Shared Reading in the workplace can mean closer relationships with colleagues, more honest feedback and greater space in the working day.”
If you like the idea of listening along to a story or poem, why not come along to a Shared Reading group? We run groups across the UK, you can find one near you here.
If you can’t find a group in your local community, why not help us bring Shared Reading to your area by becoming a volunteer?
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