Jane’s new reading blog
Being a reader is a lot like being a permanent traveller on a never-ending long haul trip. Some have clocked up more miles of books, stories and poems than others but even for the most seasoned tourists, there's always more to anticipate, new destinations to discover and whole worlds to absorb; not to mention previous stop-offs that beckon us back down the road. In many ways it'd be extremely useful to keep a reading-travel journal, to note down where we've been, what we've felt and where we'd like to go to.
While on our own individual expeditions, we can now also join Jane on her reading journey. Inspired by a somewhat straight-forward question by a member of the TRO team, Jane is keeping an online record of all her book and poem related pursuits, charting what she's reading, her thoughts about what she's reading and what is next on the reading list - as well as more than the occasional insightful anecdote (how does Jane find the time to really read given her extremely busy schedule? Reading in the bath may have something to do with it...).
So if you're looking for some inspiration on what to read next, want to know what's been read by the reader behind The Reader Organisation - or are just a little bit nosey - you can keep up with all the updates of our Director's Blog (something like a Captain's Log...we think) at http://readerjanedavis.blogspot.com/ .
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1 thoughts on “Jane’s new reading blog”
Sorry ! I do not agree that anyone should be following Janes craze for reading in the Bath-as requires to much concentration as you have to be very careful not to get the pages wet and you get sore arms holding the book really high !!!
You have been warned I tried this and got a soggy book so if you decide to follow her and read in the bath and your prize book is ruined please send her the bill !