Live Stream: If I Had Known by Alice Dunbar Nelson
Written by Rachael Norris, 13th October 2020
For today's Shared Reading live stream, Learning and Qualtiy Coordinator at The Reader, Lisa Spurgin, reads If I Had Known by Alice Dunbar Nelson. Check out the rest of our readings for Black History Month and download our calendar here.
If I had known
If I had known
Two years ago how drear this life should be,
And crowd upon itself allstrangely sad,
Mayhap another song would burst from out my lips,
Overflowing with the happiness of future hopes;
Mayhap another throb than that of joy.
Have stirred my soul into its inmost depths,
If I had known.
If I had known,
Two years ago the impotence of love,
The vainness of a kiss, how barren a caress,
Mayhap my soul to higher things have soarn,
Nor clung to earthly loves and tender dreams,
But ever up aloft into the blue empyrean,
And there to master all the world of mind,
If I had known.
Alice Dunbar Nelson
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