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London Penny Readings: A resounding Reader success

Written by The Reader, 31st January 2012

It's hard to believe it's been over a week since our first London Penny Readings ; we're still all on a Dickensian, shared-reading-on-a- massive-scale high and suspect that most of attendees are feeling the same way, looking at the quite astounding results of our audience feedback.

A staggering 92% of audience members who responded to our feedback forms said that they enjoyed the event 'very much' (with nobody ticking the 'not very much' or 'not at all boxes') - and given the array of talented readers and incredibly entertaining performers, it's not hard to see why we got such an enthusiastic response.

Indeed, there was a lot on offer to enjoy and we're thrilled to say that every aspect went down a storm - it's especially heartening to find that 93% of audience respondents said they enjoyed the readings most; given that reading aloud is at the very heart of the Dickensian tradition the Penny Readings adheres to, it's brilliant to know that it is as timeless as ever (we like to think that Dickens would be very proud indeed).

Plus we had lots of wonderful comments too:

So worth the trip, you were all brilliant. What a buzz and what connections!

A great afternoon’s real entertainment.

Interesting to see the other people who came and the enthusiasm.

A really enjoyable afternoon.

Absolutely fantastic. Here's hoping there will be many more Penny Readings in the future...

(Also, you can read a first-hand audience perspective of the event on this lovely blog: Mrs Miniver's Daughter)

1 thoughts on “London Penny Readings: A resounding Reader success

[…] There has been mounting hype about Dickens’ bicentenary over the past few months – you would have to be a martian to have missed it! There’s been new television adaptations of his novels, a flurry of new biographies of his life published (most notably, Claire Tomalin’s acclaimed 576-page heavy-weight) and all sorts of other Dickensian events and activities – including TRO’s very own Penny Readings in London. […]

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