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Policy Provocations 2012

Written by The Reader, 27th April 2012

Policy Provocations 2012: Do we still need libraries?
Wednesday 16th May, 5.30pm
The Florrie, 377 Mill Street, Toxteth

Policy Provocations is a series of lectures, led by the University of Liverpool and City Region partners, which brings together perspectives from leading international, UK and local thinkers to provide a platform for passionate public debate on issues that affect us all.  Taking on big policy challenges that shape our future, Policy Provocations confronts them with informed and reasoned debate and asks how we can tackle such challenges in new ways.

The next Policy Provocations event asks the question 'Do we still need libraries?'. Historically, libraries have helped bring literacy to the masses as well as providing a sense of community, improved health and promotion of wellbeing, but do they still serve the same purpose in a changing society?

The panel will include Sue Charteris, Chair of The Reader Organisation; Alan Davey, Chief Executive, Arts Council England; Councillor Keith Mitchell CBE, Former Leader of Oxfordshire County Council; and, before his guest appearance at The Reader Organisation 2012 Conference, Professor Jonathan Rose. The lecture will be followed by an informal reception for all from 7pm.

Tickets to the event are free but booking is essential; to book your place, please visit the University of Liverpool website or call 0151 794 2650.

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