Reading for Wellbeing: what a Conference!
Well, another year, another brilliant TRO conference...
250 people joined us from across the UK and beyond for a full day of reading, thinking and discussion. It was an incredibly enjoyable event, and we were delighted to have been joined by such acclaimed speakers, in particular, Marilynne Robinson and Professor Maryanne Wolf.
Here's a selection of feedback we've received from the day:
What a revelation it was to me to be at the Home discussion. It made me understand more about how people read than anything I've done for a long time.
Thank you for the warm welcome, for the experience, for a very well organised conference and most importantly for the inspiration afforded by all these testimonies of life changes triggered by reading.
A wonderful day, it was incredibly inspiring.
The day as a whole was great – an inspiring and fascinating examination of the power of reading
Food for the soul
It was all immensely stimulating
Reaffirmation of personal and professional belief in the power of reading
And see below for some conference pictures (all c. Deana Kay Photography):
Thank you to everyone who joined us!
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1 thoughts on “Reading for Wellbeing: what a Conference!”
[…] Moved by Liverpool’s Surprising Beauty May 19, 2011 by Jen Yesterday, following our Reading for Wellbeing Conference, TRO’s Director, Jane Davis, took Marilynne Robinson and Maryanne Wolf on a tour of […]