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Recommended Read: Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell

Written by The Reader, 16th August 2016

We've had another helpful Reader in on work experience which means another Recommended Read to enjoy! Jennifer Edwards recommends Rooftoppers.

I do, I’m afraid, understand books far more readily than I understand people. Books are so easy to get along with.” - Katherine Rundell, Rooftoppers

Rooftoppers is a novel written by Katherine Rundell for young adults. Rundell is easily able to captivate her readers and submerge them into the charming world of Sophie and Charles.

After a shipwreck that left Sophie, the lead female character, orphaned from the age of 1, she is taken in by the charming scholar, Charles Maxim. Sophie is raised by Charles on Shakespeare and classical music and so, for her 12th Birthday Sophie is gifted a cello – much to the disappointment of the unrelenting Miss Eliot.

The night of her 12th birthday Sophie discovers a clue in her cello case that could possibly lead her and Charles to the beloved mother she lost during the shipwreck.

9acf065ec661a6cc6292a9b06437eba5Rooftoppers is a delightful tale of hope that documents the wonderful relationship between Charles and Sophie and is a gentle reminder that family does not always lie within blood. I would highly recommend Rooftoppers to anyone young adult as it is a fantastic story of loss, hope, love and friendship.

“If music can shine, Sophie thought, this music shone. It was like all the voices in all the choirs in the city rolled into a single melody”.  - Katherine Rundell, Rooftoppers


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