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Sep10ber: Great literature – in 10 words

Written by The Reader, 25th September 2012

We're into the final week of Sep10ber - time does fly when you're having fun - but we're saving the best for last, gearing up for some very big birthday celebrations...

You've certainly helped us get into the party spirit during the past month by voting in our poll to find the top Get Into Reading novel and poem, and perfect reader (if you haven't already, there's still time to cast your choices - the poll will be open until the end of the week), as well as by giving us your Perfect 10s.

Last week we wanted to know which book you'd have to have as your companion if you happened to be stranded on a desert island: there were some exceptional choices, including Pride and Prejudice, 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami, Ulysses (we like the delicious irony of reading about the events of a singular day whilst being stuck for what could be a very long time) - and, rather pleasingly, A Little, Aloud (both anthologies would be sure to provide some great variety).

For our final Sep10ber teaser, this week we're asking you to...:
Describe your favourite book or poem in 10 words.

Now's the chance to get creative - maybe you'll choose 10 singular words, or perhaps create another very short story.
Would Wuthering Heights be wild, wrought and wonderful? Is Sea Fever searing, sentimental - or salty?

Let us know your ten-word reviews or descriptions by commenting below, tweeting us (no need to worry about going over the character limit) or posting on our Facebook wall over the next week.

Literature in 10 words? It can be done, and quite perfectly too. Here's just a couple of the very imaginative responses we had from our social media channels:

'I have Ophidiophobia and still enjoyed reading about the snakes' - that applies to my TWO fave books

cleverness. curiosity. channelled. creativity. cadaver. creature. cursed. chased. criminalised. calamitous.

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