Featured Poem: The Stone Beach
In the last of our poetry recommendations for this week Reader outreach worker and Reader Online editor Katie Peters chooses Simon Armitage's 'The Stone Beach'. She says: "I like stanzas 4 and 6 best, and especially the idea of living in the present but simultaneously carrying the memory of a distant past life which lives on in the present through that memory and through those who shared that life with you."
Of course we asked permission to print this poem and Simon Armitage replied through his agent that he was happy for it to appear here, but to contact Faber, the publisher, to confirm. The agent said there was unlikely to be a problem. Unfortunately it wasn't to be. I contacted the permissions department of Faber earlier in the week to ask if we could post the poem here. We promised of course to cite the conditions of the permission offered and it goes without saying that we would have linked to the Faber catalogue and to places where our readers could buy the collection The Universal Home Doctor, which was published in 2002. 'The Stone Beach' is characteristic of the collection, which was described by The Guardian at the time as "amusing and charming - effortlessly winning over an audience when read out loud - yet essentially serious, substantial enough to repay reconsidering. [The poems] achieve this because their preferred method is allegory, "mouthing off" about one thing while thinking about another."
In the end on Friday I received word from Faber that we would be able to publish the poem here, but at a cost of £155 (ex. VAT, naturally). That would buy us a year of having the poem on this page, but Faber would retain the right to take it down with a month's notice. Since we would be providing publicity for Faber, rather than the other way around, I declined this generous offer. So instead of the poem, let us all consider Faber's permissions letter, published in full below. I'm going to be writing more on this topic in the next few days, since it seems to resonate with the mistakes made by the music industry over the last few years. I just love the bit about not 'photocopying downloads,' whatever that means. In the mean time if you think this document is as ridiculous as I do, feel free to contact Faber to tell them so. A contact address is available on this page.
The Permissions Form in Full:
Thank you for your email requesting permission to reproduce the above on your open-access web site www.thereaderonline.com (sic) in textual form.
We have certain conditions for the use of our copyright material on the internet and I have listed these below together with our fees for non-exclusive English Language permission throughout the UK and Commonwealth.
Fee: £155.00 plus VAT
This permission is granted for the period of one year only and we reserve the right to withdraw our permission with one month’s notice. A copyright line including the title of the work, the source of the poem, the author and Faber and Faber Ltd as the publisher must be printed, as well as a warning that photocopying downloads is against copyright law. We would also request that your web site is linked to a book shop site or our own web site [www.faber.co.uk].
Please indicate below how you wish to proceed and then return this fax to (+44) (0)20 7465 0108.
If we do not receive a reply within thirty days we will assume that you have proceeded.
If after all that you still feel like reading the poem 'The Stone Beach' is freely available online here. Interestingly very few of the conditions imposed above have been met.
Posted by Chris Routledge. Powered by Qumana
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