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Summer School Sizzlers and the Calderstones Summer Fair

Written by Lisa Spurgin, 22nd July 2014

piratechildSchool may nearly be out for summer, but there's no need to be bored with our Summer School Sizzlers at Calderstones Mansion House where's tons of super and sensational summer reading to keep kids entertained for hours afterwards.

Each Thursday morning from 31st July to 21st August, children aged 4-7 can join us for stories, crafts, games and lots of fun in four very special themed sessions designed to make the summer fly by. The full details of our Summer School Sizzlers sessions can be found below:

Gruffalo Tales - Thursday 31st July, 10-11.30am, Cost: £5 (book online)
Little monsters are invited to this especially monstrous reading session, where we will be enjoying all things Gruffalo, as well as sharing some fun rhymes and other stories.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Thursday 7th August, 10-11.30am, Cost: £7.50 (book online)
Join us in the Mansion House where we'll be enjoying lots of shared reading with the All-Better Bears, Big Bear and Little Bear Stories and plenty of songs and rhymes.

Planets, Pants and Poop - Thursday 14th August, 10-11am, Cost: £5 (book online)
We're heading skyward with this cosmic shared reading session, exploring stars, planets, aliens and underpants, even making our own rocket ships to take home!

Pirate Training Camp - Thursday 21st August, 10-11.30am, Cost: £5 (book online)
Join us for some special readings from our favourite pirate stories. Our pirates will be getting crafty, making hats, eye-patches...and there may be a treasure hunt or two.

We're currently running an online competition for two free tickets to the Planets, Pants and Poop session on 14th August - all you need to do is head to our Twitter and Facebook pages and retweet or share the posts that are signposted to be entered into the prize draw. The draw will close for entries at 12pm on Friday 25th July and the winners will be announced at a later date.

DSC_0871Much more summer fun is in store with the second Calderstones Summer Fair on Sunday 3rd August, 10am-4pm. Join us for what will be a wonderful day spent in the garden of the Mansion House with something for the whole family and community to enjoy. We're sure you'll enjoy the amazing attractions that are in store, including:

  • BFG Giant Games
  • Crafts and plant stalls
  • Face painting
  • Our famous poetry photo booth with custom recitals
  • Live music
  • A fancy dress competition for children - come as your favourite character from a book!
  • Wishing Tree and Memory Wall to share your thoughts about the Mansion House
  • Tours of the Mansion House and updates on our future plans
  • £1 book stall
  • Tasty treats from The Reader Cafe to keep you going throughout the day

Kick start the summer in style with a visit to the Summer Fair at Calderstones, entry is completely FREE.

For more information on what's coming up at The Reader Organisation, visit our Events page:

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