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The Evening Read-In: the last Metamorphosis…

Written by The Reader, 4th April 2012

Time flies when you're having fun reading in...the final part of The Metamorphosis and this Evening Read-In airs this Thursday (that's tomorrow) at 9pm.

If you've been joining us to follow the plight of poor Gregor Samsa, you'll know that things have got quite dark indeed for our big bug hero - when we left him last he was being attacked with a chair by a ruthless charwoman. Will things take an upward turn for Gregor? Will the family find escape from their desperate situation? Will there be a happily-ever after? (it's not looking too good, but stranger things have happened - like being turned into a massive insect...)

If there's one thing that we do know, it's that you don't want to miss out on the conclusion, so make sure you're sitting comfortably on the sofa at 9pm tomorrow evening to find it all out. As well as listening here, you can also join us on Twitter to share your thoughts about the story: just attach the#eveningreadin hashtag to your tweets to be seen.

And if you haven't heard the story so far, no need to fear - all four previous parts are right here so you can listen whenever you like (ideal for the Easter holidays).

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