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The Reader 47 is here

Written by The Reader, 28th August 2012

As the summer sunshine begins to fade, we've got the perfect companion to accompany you into Autumn: The Reader 47. The magazine has a brand new look for its 15th birthday, with original cover art, 'Storm', by Pamela Sullivan. Every issue from now on will feature work from an up-and-coming artist, and we'll be featuring an interview with Pamela on the blog in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, once you've finished admiring the cover and actually opened the magazine, you will find a treasure-trove of new writing, thought-pieces, and reviews, including:

This is on top of all the usual features, such as Casi Dylan's keep-in-touch piece for Read to Lead trainees, Brian Nellist's 'The Old Poem' and 'Ask the Reader', and humour from Ian McMillan, as well as lots of new poetry, including the winner of BUPA's Care Home Creative Writing Competition.

If you're already a subscriber then you should be hearing the welcome thud of the magazine through your letterbox any day now, and if not, then what are you waiting for?! You can buy an individual copy for £6.95, or subscribe to receive a full year's worth of Reader literary goodness via our website. For further inquiries, email


1 thoughts on “The Reader 47 is here

[…] baby daughter in 2008. The moving title poem is featured in ‘The Poet on Her Work’ in Issue 47 of The Reader, and Rebecca will be reading other excerpts from the collection, which looks closely at issues of […]

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