The Reader Organisation presents… the Evening Read-In
Following on from the spookily themed Stories Before Bedtime event at The Criterion Theatre in London tonight, there will soon be another storytelling session to be involved in courtesy of The Reader Organisation – and for this one you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your armchair.
The Evening Read-In is a new way of sharing a reading experience, using those ever-present tools of social media. On a Thursday evening over a number of weeks – and just as the nights are getting longer and the weather is getting progressively colder – we’ll be posting up parts of a short story in audio format read by one of our project workers, so you can snuggle up and be soothed from the stresses of your day by listening to some classic literature being read aloud. At the very same time, you’ll be able to chat about the story as it happens with a whole world wide web of other readers through Twitter (if you’re not already part of The Reader twitterati, you can follow us @thereaderorg) – all you’ll need to do is to attach the Evening Read-In hashtag (#eveningreadin) at the end of your tweet, and you’ll be part of an online, social media, shared reading extravaganza! Really, there's no reason to go out on a Thursday evening any more...
The first story in the Evening Read-In series will have a distinctly cosy Christmassy feel – featuring the tale of all Christmas tales, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Part One will take place at 9pm on Thursday 24th November and the story carries on every Thursday evening at the same time right up until a couple of days before Christmas. We’ll keep you posted on how to listen and ways to get involved in the conversation in the weeks leading up to the first Evening Read-In. So reserve some space on the sofa, plug in the laptop and listen in!
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2 thoughts on “The Reader Organisation presents… the Evening Read-In”
[…] 604,800 seconds (if you want to count them all…) to the first instalment of our very first Evening Read-In! We’re all very excited here at TRO to bring this new shared and ultra-social reading […]
[…] first part of our first Evening Read-In, reading the ever-enduring Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, took place last Thursday – and […]