Update from TRO South West #4
The final update from our South West contingent comes from Caroline Adams, Project Worker for the Plymouth area:
I've been running a group for two years at the Plymouth MIND drop-in centre. One of the core group of committed regulars, M, had a social phobia and would never have dreamt of reading in front of others. She is now one of our best readers:
"I have come to learn the power of words in our lives...the group has become the highlight of my week and I clear the calendar to ensure I can make the sessions."
I love both the variety and stimulation the weekly groups provide.
Plymouth City Council are funding Get Into Reading for community-building and recovery at Plymstock Library. It is an open group which also invites GP referrals.
In the isolated village of Newton Ferrers, I've begun a community group in an Edwardian 'Fisherman’s Reading Room'. It was an all-male snooker club until TRO entered the premises! This is the first step in a big South West project to restore old reading rooms in hard to reach places to their original purpose. The aim is to get reading happening again, training up local people to take over and help spread the Reading Revolution across the village.
Have you thought of becoming a shared reading facilitator?
The next South West 3-day Read to Lead open training course is at Dartington, Monday 23rd January – Wednesday 25th January 2012, 9.30am -5.30am. For more information, ring Sarah Hopkins (SW) on 01364 653994 or Casi Dylan on 0151 207 7207/e-mail casidylan@thereader.org.uk .
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