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Vote for The Reader Organisation: Smarta100 Awards

Written by Lizzie Cain, 9th October 2013

We're thrilled to have been chosen as one of the 10 finalists in the Biggest Social Impact category of the Smarta100 Awards. Your vote could help us win Smarta£1000 and the £10,000 grand prize! Click here to cast your vote now.

The Smarta100 Awards celebrate the most resourceful, inspiring and disruptive small businesses in the UK and, as a social enterprise, we've been selected for Biggest Social Impact for our work improving peoples lives, making a difference to local communities and contributing to society's happiness.

Our shared reading groups run weekly across the UK in libraries, community centres, schools, hospitals, libraries, prisons, mental health settings, care homes - wherever there are people. We take great literature off the bookshelves and into the hands of those who need it - we read everything aloud so everyone is welcome in our groups, whatever their standard of literacy. Shared reading brings people together, improving wellbeing and personal confidence, building communities, and transforming lives. Find out more about what we do and why on our website.

As the Smarta100 team say themselves, we've got "plenty of pages yet to fill with an exciting future" and you could help us make that a reality. To vote for The Reader Organisation for the Biggest Social Impact Award, visit the Smarta100 website and click 'vote'. You can help us build the Reading Revolution!

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