Wirral Bookfest 2011
There's something for everyone at this year's Wirral Bookfest, with a great mix of events including comedy, poetry readings and local history. Today, you can hear about Viking Wirral from Professor Stephen Harding in Birkenhead Central Library from 2.15pm, and tomorrow former Poet Laureate Sir Andrew Motion will introduce his latest book of poems, The Cinder Path, at Bromborough Civic Centre from 7pm.
Other highlights include 'Jane Austen, Bronte and Love', a talk by Elizabeth Williams about two of Britain's best-loved authors, which takes place at 2.30pm on Thursday in Bebington Central Library, and the Bookfest Bookswap at the Pyramids Shopping Centre in Birkenhead, where you can bring along your old books and swap them for new (second-hand) books that you've been dying to read! (Friday 10am-3pm).
So, whether you're a keen reader, or haven't been to your library for a while, head along to this year's Bookfest, where you're sure to find something to fire your imagination!
For more information call 0151 606 2665 or visit http://www.wirral.gov.uk/my-services/leisure-and-culture/libraries/bookfest-2011.
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1 thoughts on “Wirral Bookfest 2011”
I am going to be exhausted by the end of the week with so much going on on the wirral thank god for a free bus pass and I am not a pensioner just slightly crazy ! Last night wen to Brombrough to see Lesley Pearce and Judy Astley which I throughly enjoyed although I asked Judy to sign a book where she asked if I liked the book and I went ” never read just sits their on the shelf but I WILL read it now ! Today went to see the vikings (Not literally the room was packed obviously makes a difference if an event is free was amazed to see so many people and evan more when they think so many people from the wirral come from Scandavinia although told my dad and he insists on being from rock ferry and before that over the mersey ! Off to see Andrew Motion tomorrow who I know nothing about but I am sure to pick something up and then love (YUK ) i KNOW ZILCH on this subject but no matter quite like Austen |and Bronte so will give it a go !! Friday to see the pyrimads (Birkenhead) dont do planes for book swap which is a really good idea although will have to look for a books in useable conditon and the weekend umm rest