World Book Day 2009
In today's Guardian, there is an article about the 'books we only say we've read' - something that all of us, no matter how well read, are guilty of. Today is World Book Day, a celebration of books and reading, so please do let us know what you're currently reading and, if you are willing to confess, what your guilty secrets are. Mine? I purchased Don Quixote de la Mancha about three years ago and I still haven't turned over the front cover. So, let's celebrate what we are reading, not what we're not. Here's what some us in The Reader Organisation's office currently have on the go:
Clare Williams, Get Into Reading project worker and fundraiser
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy, which is my bedtime read, and Helen Dunmore's Love of Fat Men, that's for the bus and train.
Sophie Povey, Get Into Reading project worker
The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. I have to make sure I'm on my own when I'm reading it.
Chris Catterall, Business Manager
Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage by Jay Barney and William S Hesterly. (You can't say it's not a varied selection of books, can you?)
Lee Keating, Office Administrator
Women by Charles Bukowski. It's looking at me from my breakfast bar saying 'finish me', I do love it though.
Jen Tomkins, Communications Officer
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Beautiful, magical and an epic portrayal of all aspects of the human spirit.
Wendy Kay, Get Into Reading project worker
Lots! Currently on the go are: Melvyn Bragg's Remember Me, Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad and John Wyndham's The Chrysalids.
Mark Till, Arts Administrator Intern
I'm about to start reading The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer.
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