‘Dorset Delights’ – Places Still Available!
There's still time to sign up for our 'Dorset Delights' reading course with Brian Nellist, which starts on Thursday 13 October in Birkenhead Central Library. Brian will be leading us on a literary tour of Dorset, during which you can share in his wisdom, insight and infectious enthusiasm for literature.

The course runs for ten weeks, and we'll be concentrating on Thomas Hardy's optimistic early novel Under the Greenwood Tree, a selection of the poems and a few of his short stories as well as poems by his friend and mentor William Barnes.
The first session will be 10.30am–12.30pm on Thursday 13th October and then a further nine consecutive Thursdays at the same time, with the last session on Thursday 15th December.
The sessions will take place in the Meeting Room at Birkenhead Central Library, Borough Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 2XB.
The cost of the course is £60, with concessions for pensioners, students and those receiving income support (£50), Get Into Reading members (£40) and Get Into Reading members receiving income support (£30). All proceeds support The Reader Organisation.
To book your place you need to fill in a booking form, which you can find here, or contact Mike Butler, Communications Intern, at mikebutler@thereader.org.uk or 0152 207 7207.
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