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Get Reading, Get Better, Get Libraries at Rhyl Library

Written by The Reader, 26th October 2012

Get Reading, Get Better, Get Libraries
Friday 2nd November, 1.00-4.30pm
Rhyl Library

Following on from the fantastic news that we've received funding from the Big Lottery Fund to take Get Into Reading into Wales, we're already making a start on spreading the Reading Revolution there by taking part in a very special event in Rhyl on Friday 2nd November.

Get Reading, Get Better, Get Libraries in Rhyl Library is a whole afternoon dedicated to celebrating libraries in Wales and particularly in demonstrating just how libraries can make you feel better. From mind-boosting books, book prescriptions and offering advice on health and family matters, libraries offer a wealth of good to the wellbeing of whole communities.

To prepare Wales for the oncoming Reading Revolution and to show how shared reading can improve and enrich wellbeing, we'll be running a Get Into Reading taster session, giving the chance for readers, library staff and potential trainees to experience the power of shared reading firsthand. Sophie Povey, The Reader Organisation's National Development Manager, and Anna Fleming, Young Person's Project Manager will be reading from 3.30-4.30pm and at the The Reader Organisation stall from the start of the afternoon at 1pm. They'll also be joined at the Get Into Reading taster session by BBC Wales premier weatherman, Derek Brockway, who'll also be hand to talk about libraries, books, learning Welsh - and the weather!

The event will also have the gold seal of approval as Olympic medalist and winner of the first Team GB gold medal in Taekwondo Jade Jones will be appearing, holding her very own Taekwondo masterclass. Something to boost your body and your brain!

The 'Get Reading, Get Better, Get Libraries' campaign is running in Welsh libraries throughout this autumn, encouraging everyone to take a fresh look at their local library and discover the health and wellbeing benefits they can provide. For more information about the free event in Rhyl Library and the campaign, see the Library Wales and Denbighshire County Council websites.

1 thoughts on “Get Reading, Get Better, Get Libraries at Rhyl Library

Lou says:

Great music to my ears as the welsh would say although hearing various members of my family sing not to sure . This has not come a moment to soon for WAles ( land of my mother )
My eldest neice up until recently took a great interest in what I got up to with TRO and would often make comments that their is nothing like that where I live near MANOD , where Frank Cottrill Boyce set framed you get the picture now !!! I used to say their was nothing to stop her starting a reading group herself and she kind of agreed , sadly their is a sad note to this little tale , in that She is 13 on BONFIRE night and her new passions in life are a certain boy and how many hours she can spen strightening her hair heres hoping she will grow out of this some time soon but am not holding my breath for the next 7 years . diolch anyhow ! ( ta )

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