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Knit and Natter join Lowton WI in blanket bonanza!

Written by The Reader, 20th October 2015
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Today members of our Knit and Natter group presented Lowton Women's Institute with over 30 beautiful handmade blankets for Project Linus UK, a volunteer organisation that distributes blankets to sick and traumatised babies, children and teenagers to give them a sense of security and comfort.

With 2015 being the centenary year of the WI, Lowton WI wanted to celebrate by making 100 blankets for the project, but thanks to our nimble knitters at Calderstones they now have an even bigger collection to donate.

Meanwhile over 50 knitted critters, courtesy of Knit and Natter, have arrived at their new home The Storybarn - soon to be joined by many more of their friends! The Storybarn will be opening soon as the North West's first interactive centre for children, encouraging imaginative play and engagement with stories for children aged 3-9 years.

A big thank you and congratulations to the Knit and Natter group and Lowton WI for all their hard work and crafty skills!

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