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Literary Learning at The Reader Organisation

Written by Lizzie Cain, 25th January 2013

The Reader Organisation's Literary Learning provision is a key part of what we do, developing Shared Reading Practice as a recognised and valued craft.  Through our courses, Ongoing Learning Provision, and quality assurance systems, we are enabling others to bring the power of shared reading to life.

Read to Lead Kensington Palace, 25th Feb, 4th Mar, 11th Mar250px-Kensington_Palace,

Over 550 people in the UK and beyond have completed our flagship Read to Lead course, equipping them with the skills and understanding to practice as a Shared Reading Facilitator and run shared reading groups inspired by our Get Into Reading project.

Do you fancy learning the essentials of shared reading practice in right royal surroundings? Here's your chance! The final few places are available on our open Read to Lead course at the beautiful Kensington Palace in London running on Mondays 25th Feb, 4th Mar and 11th Mar.

Download an application form from our website or contact Roisin Hyland for more information:

Ongoing Learning

two women with a poem drinking teaCompleting the Read to Lead course is by no means the end of your Literary Learning journey with The Reader Organisation - we provide extensive Ongoing Learning provision in the form of Masterclasses, the Shared Reading Hub, and much more.

*Save the date! Saturday 20th April 2013*

Following the consultation on the Shared Reading Hub, we are delighted to announce the date for 2013's Good Practice Get Together: Saturday 20th April.

This special day, to be held in Liverpool Hope University's Creative Campus, is open to all shared reading practitioners who have completed the Read to Lead course. It will be jam-packed with opportunities to develop your practice, - as a reader and facilitator - to meet other reading revolutionaries around the country and to catch-up on The Reader Organisation's latest developments, especially in relation to quality practice.

More details to follow soon...

Upcoming Masterclasses

Masterclasses are the main component of our Ongoing Learning provision, an exclusive opportunity for Shared Reading Practitioners to improve their practice as a facilitator and deepen their understanding as a reader.

Click here to find out more about the next Masterclass, 'The Play's the Thing: Reading Plays in Shared Reading Groups', which takes place on 11th Feburary in Manchester.

Meanwhile, here's another date for your diary later in 2013...

A Novel Approach, 10am-4pm, 18 May, Exeter


"The final test for a novel will be our affection for it, as it is the test of our friends, and of anything else which we cannot define." - E.M.Forster

Looking to start reading with your shared reading group, but not sure how to go about it? Already reading novels and looking to refine your practice? Interested in the special quality that novels have when read aloud together? This special Saturday masterclass will cover all aspects of working with novels, from selection through to conclusion, and will make the case for working through longer works of fiction as a group.

Masterclasses are free for the first 12 months of Ongoing Learning; £25 for half-day sessions and £55 for full-day sessions thereafter. For more details, please visit the Shared Reading Hub or contact Rosin Hyland:







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