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Living Books Event in Liverpool Central Library Tomorrow

Written by jen, 20th January 2010

Liverpool Libraries are hosting an event with the union Unison in Hornby Library in Central Library tomorrow, Thursday 21st Jan, from 1 - 5pm.

This is part of an international movement to increase understanding. Unison have trained a number of their members to be able to tell an interesting story based on their lives so they become a ‘living book’. On the day people will have a chance to borrow them so they can listen to their story for about 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and discussion at the end.

This is a great way to chat to interesting people that you wouldn't normally meet and promises to be a great way to spend an afternoon. Andy Johnson, Lifelong Learning Services Manager for Liverpool Libraries tells us of his experience:

I went to one in Blackpool and met a woman who is a refugee from Lebanon, heard her story as to why she cane to this country plus fascinating information about her culture plus heard the story of a young man who is involved in Burmese politics. I learned so much that would have been difficult to do in another way.

You can just turn up at the Hornby Library in Central Library on Thursday afternoon - everyone is welcome. If you would like to find out further details, please contact Helen M Titherington at Unison on 0161 661 6731 or email

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