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Merseyside Community Theatre in the Spotlight (again!)

Written by The Reader, 4th August 2010

Sonja Sohn with MCT's Steve McGowan

Following on from Sonja Sohn's visit to Croxteth Fire Station to meet our Merseyside Community Theatre team, Society Guardian (and, rather excitingly, currently on the front page of the Guardian's website, for today at least) have published an article all about that sunny day back in June, where Sonja took to Juliet's balcony...

It is a blisteringly hot midsummer evening and one of the lead actors from The Wire is standing atop a fire escape at Croxteth fire station in Liverpool, smoke swirling around her legs, reading from Romeo and Juliet.

Read the rest of the article here.

Romeo and Juliet is being performed Thursday 26th – Saturday 28th August, 7.30pm (plus a matinee on Saturday 28th at 2.30pm) at Croxteth Fire Station, Storrington Avenue, L11 9AP

Just turn up in time for the show, or contact Emma on or 07739420009 to ensure you get a space!

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