New Beginnings: tickets nearly gone
Before you head off for the festive break, have you remembered to sign up for 'New Beginnings', our first national Get Into Reading Conference, Supper and Readers' Day on 8th - 9th Jan 2010 in Liverpool?
Join in the conversation about Get Into Reading at the Conference on Friday 8th Jan and take part in a fun and inspiring Readers' Day with guest authors on Saturday 9th Jan - plus, don't forget the Friday Night Supper: 'The Value of Reading in a Life' (with Clare Allan, Brian Keenan, Dr David Fearnley and Jane Davis)
Confirmed speakers over the two days are:
- Clare Allan (author, Poppy Shakespeare)
- Susan Blishen (Mental Health Foundation)
- Dr Jane Davis (Founder and Director of The Reader Organisation)
- Dr David Fearnley (RCPysch Psychiatrist of the Year; Medical Director and Deputy Chief of Mersey Care NHS Trust)
- Brian Keenan (author, An Evil Cradling)
- Blake Morrison (author, journalist and Chair of The Reader Organisation)
- Stuart Smith (Executive Director, Children’s Services, Liverpool City Council)
- plus, Reader Development Librarians, teachers and health professionals, involved with Get Into Reading from across the UK.
... and there are a whole series of workshops to choose from over the two days.
Tickets cost £120 for the whole New Beginnings Experience (£80 for the Get Into Reading Conference, £25 for the Friday Night Supper, £30 for the Readers' Day) and are going fast, so book your place as soon as possible! Click here to book.
For more information, please contact Claire Speer, Conference Administrator:
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