Out of the Blue and a Bewitching blog
This Saturday 30th June, representatives from The Reader Organisation will be taking part in the Out of the Blue Music festival in Everton Park.
The Magical Storytime sessions that TRO runs at West Everton Community Council will be going al-fresco this Saturday, to join-in the celebrations at the 21st Birthday of this great event.
Magical Storytime are reading, song, movement and craft sessions for children under 5, and at this sepecial festival series, myself and some of my colleagues will be reading aloud some fantastic children's stories, including Edward Lear's poem, 'The Jumblies', as featured in A Little, Aloud for Children.
The Out of the Blue Music festival runs from 12-7pm at China Street Bowl - you can get all the latest info and news by following the festival on Twitter: @outoftheblue4.
And that's not all ... the fabulous children's book blog, Bookwitch, has shown its appreciation of A Little, Aloud for Children by writing an enchanting review of the book this week. Many thanks, Bookwitch - we are delighted you enjoyed the book, and happy dipping!
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