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READ International: Second Hand Book Sale

Written by jen, 25th November 2009

READ International is a student-led charity which runs across 22 universities in the UK. Here in Liverpool, the team aims to raise £7,500 to ship 25,000 disused but high quality textbooks to Tanzania in Summer 2010.

Today (Wednesday 25th November) they have a SECOND HAND BOOK SALE:

READ International are selling second hand fiction, non-fiction and educational books at dirt cheap prices in Liverpool Guild of Students between 10.30am and 4.30pm. Come along and buy some great books, many of which could be given as Christmas gifts! We will also be selling raffle tickets for our Christmas raffle at the stall so come and enter for the chance to win some great prizes.

If you are interested in joining READ it’s not too late! Please come to one of our weekly meetings at 5pm in the International Lounge, Liverpool Guild of Contacts every Monday! You can get involved in a number of ways, such collecting and sorting books, helping out at fundraising events, hosting presentations in local schools and raising awareness!

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